The Purpose of a Tarot Atmosphere
When learning how to read tarot, it is important to have the right mindset. You should be focused and relaxed, and building a good tarot atmosphere during your reading can help you achieve the mindset necessary to get the most out of your reading. This means choosing to include things like candles, incense, and dim lights in your atmosphere if you find it helpful. All of these things can serve as a reminder to your brain and subconscious that you are getting ready to do something important.
Continue reading »Born and raised in California, Megan now resides in Central Oregon with her long-term partner, daughter, and parents. She enjoys writing about magick, witchcraft, and her faith — including tarot. With several books currently in the works, she doesn’t have much free time. When she does, she enjoys spending time reading with her daughter, crocheting, and being outdoors.